The online Discover Your Calling Course

Start living with value, meaning and purpose.

Whether you have a good understanding, some idea, or no clue as to your ‘calling’, the Discover Your Calling Course is designed to bring greater clarity, direction, self-awareness and focus to anyone, regardless of your age or circumstance.

This course helps people who are feeling stuck in life, to find increased self-worth, value, meaning, life-direction and purpose.  We help you move towards living a fulfilled life, doing something you love, which benefits others.

Delivered online via video and downloadable exercises.

We guide you step-by-step with on demand bight-sized learning modules over 7-Parts and 22-Lessons.

Complete at your own pace during times that are convenient to you.  All you need is a computer, Wi-Fi, and printer (optional).

Step-by-step teaching

The course will teach you step-by-step how to ‘Discover Your Calling’ by focusing upon 5 Essential Elements, so you can move towards being the person you were created to be.

Based upon first-hand experience, a combination of tools, techniques, and positive past-participant outcomes, the Discover Your Calling Course™ can bringing fullness to your life by helping unveil your true potential.

You’ve tried other methods before

If you’re reading this now and it’s not the first time you’ve searched for something to help reveal your life calling and purpose, then be encouraged – this is different!

By applying a professional coaching approach to the teaching and exercises contained within the course,  you're not placed in a box of having to do 'this' or 'that'.  We help you make your own self-discoveries and direction.

Core content found within the Discover Your Calling Course has been compiled by Rick Paget, founder of Equipe Coaching & Counselling.  This is based upon understandings and breakthroughs he’s experienced through the challenges and successes of his own journey towards finding life direction and purpose.

Save time, effort and energy trying to work these things out for yourself by taking part in the 5-session Discover Your Calling Course.

“Having searched for my calling for over 25 years,
  I finally realised
 the clues to my purpose
 were already there,
 I just needed to know how to find them!”

– Rick Paget

Personal Coaching

1:1 Coaching Sessions with additional options (in 90-days):


1 x 'Purpose Launching' Personal Coaching Session (45-60mins)

2 x Personal Coaching Sessions (45-60mins)

3 x Recorded Copies of your 1:1 Coaching Sessions - (Optional - if meeting online)

2 x 15 mins max. Mini-Coaching Sessions via text, email, or online. Available for 90-Days from Sign-up date (Optional)

Complement your DYC Course discoveries by engaging in 1:1 Personal Coaching sessions with Rick Paget.  

Over 90-days from the date of sign-up, you have the freedom to focus each session on what is important to you.  Utilise these valuable coaching engagements to fast-track your clarity and growth.

You also have optional access to 2 x 15-minute personal coaching over 90-days from your date of signup.

Additional information:
Once you have subscribed to the Discover Your Calling (DYC)Course with Personal Coaching, you will gain immediate access to the full set of DYC Course videos, and Bonus Resources, including the online Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) Course videos.

Within 48-hrs of sign-up, we will send you the LFYS Profile access link, along with a standard Coaching Agreement which needs signing before our Personal Coaching Sessions commence.

Further details on the Personal Coaching session access links along with additional information will also be provided.

Rick commenced coaching in 2012 and is experience as a professionally trained ICF (International Coach Federation) coach.  

Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential.  The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.

We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can change your life, setting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment. 

Discover your potential, starting today

Feeling stuck

Prior to completing the Discover Your Calling Course, people we have worked with explain how they felt stuck in life.  

They shared how they wanted to make a difference in their own life and in the lives of others but didn’t know what to do or were too scared to do anything different.  They recalled saying things like,


“I’m sick of this life,”


“There must be more to life than this.”  

Not knowing their purpose and being unable to move beyond this sticking place left them experiencing feelings of hopelessness, depression, and low self-worth.  They often felt grumpy, unfulfilled, and remained stuck with this feeling of void in their life. 

This course could bring the change you need

Upon completion of the Discover Your Calling Course, participants can expect to find greater self-awareness is achieved and the scope of their current focus is either sharpened or changes as they awaken to new possibilities.

Many participants experience an increased zest and energy for life, while for others it can be a turning point that presents opportunities for new directions and increased personal growth.  They can do other things and are not stuck where they are.

The course is designed to draw-out each student’s unique opportunities for life change and direction. Some participants even choose to meet for optional personal coaching sessions to gain even greater clarity around their findings.

Students share how they learn more about themselves since the course focuses first upon 'who you are' before looking at 'what you do.'

What others have to say about the Discover Your Calling Course:

  • “Loved it, don’t want it to end. Really well delivered.” ND

  • “Excellent, challenging, thought provoking, encouraging.” RO

  • “Really worthwhile with surprising insights at times, through the exercises and reflection.” NY

  • “Excellent and well worth doing.” MP

  • “Timely, my calling has already started to come together.” CP

  • “Clear to follow and very well presented. It was helpful to me in areas I was not expecting.” JP

  • “Well thought out and informative. Helped us dive into where we wanted to be and our direction.” C & J

What you can expect

At Equipe Coaching & Counselling we understand no matter how great or small the outcome of your calling is, you can make a difference in ways that are relevant and unique to you.

Whether you become the best parent possible to your growing family, or a valuable employee, or business owner,  or if your calling aligns more towards highly influential leadership – we acknowledge that each person’s calling is unique.

Some who have completed the Discover Your Calling Course™, experienced major life shifts in pursuit of things that naturally aligned with who they are.  Businesses & ministries have been formed, services offered, products produced, lives changed…all unique and carried out for a cause greater than just themselves.

Discover Your Calling Course with Personal Coaching

What you get

We base our approach on understanding every individual is unique, so you’ll not be ‘boxed’ or ‘pigeon-holed’ to fit a particular ‘type’ or ‘position’.

Rather we’re here to help you transform your life into the fullness you desire – even if you don’t know what it is yet!

Through the five session Discover Your Calling Course, we guide you with insightful and strategically designed exercises to help reveal your passions, experiences, natural & learnt abilities, skills and strengths.

  • Learn structured steps and exercises to discover and define your current purpose and/or future calling

  • Identify clues from your past to determine and navigate your future

  • Identify clues from your past to determine and navigate your future

  • Grow in self-awareness

  • Understand how to make decisions about your ongoing direction

  • Define your purpose and/or calling

  • Discover methods and tips to help you consider how to successfully take action and live-out your calling

  • Receive no-pressure to fit a certain job or role

  • Save time, effort and energy – you don’t have to work these things out alone!

  • 30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee*

Course curriculum

*Access to course content is available once subscribed.

    1. First things...

    2. IMPORTANT - Please complete prior to course commencement.


    1. DYC - Element 1 - REFLECT - Introduction

    2. DYC - Element 1 - REFLECT - Exercise 1 - Workbook Steps 1,2,3 & 4

    3. DYC - Element 1 - REFLECT - Exercise 1 - Step 1

    4. DYC - Element 1 - REFLECT - Exercise 1 - Step 2

    5. DYC - Element 1 - REFLECT - Exercise 1 - Timeline Chart

    6. DYC - Element 1 - REFLECT - Exercise 1 - Step 3

    7. DYC - Element 1 - REFLECT - Exercise 1 - Step 4

    8. DYC - Element 1 - REFLECT - Survey

    1. DYC - Element 2 - IDENTIFY - Introduction

    2. DYC - Element 2 - IDENTIFY - Ex.2A - Juggling Life

    3. DYC - Element 2 - IDENTIFY - Exercise 2A - Juggling Life

    4. DYC - Element 2 - IDENTIFY - Ex.2B - Words, Events & Situations

    5. DYC - Element 2 - IDENTIFY - Exercise 2B - Words, Events & Situations

    6. DYC - Element 2 - IDENTIFY - Ex.2C - Forgiveness, Repentance & Conflict

    7. DYC - Element 2 - IDENTIFY - Exercise 2C - Forgiveness & Conflict Resolution

    8. DYC - Element 2 - IDENTIFY - Survey

    1. Bonus LFYS Course & Coupon Code

    2. ECC - DYC - LFYS Profile - Part 1

    3. ECC - DYC - LFYS Profile - Exercise

    4. ECC - DYC - LFYS Profile - Part 2

    5. ECC - DYC - LFYS Profile - Part 3

    6. ECC - DYC - LFYS Profile - Part 4

    7. ECC - DYC - LFYS Profile - Part 5

    8. ECC - DYC - LFYS Profile - Part 6

    9. ECC - DYC - LFYS Profile - Survey

    1. DYC - Element 3 - VISUALISE - Ex.3A - Visualise Your Future Self

    2. DYC - Element 3 - VISUALISE - Exercise 3A - Your Future Self

    3. DYC - Element 3 - VISUALISE - Ex.3B - Sphere Of Influence

    4. DYC - Element 3 - VISUALISE - Exercise 3B - Sphere of Influence

    5. DYC - Element 3 - VISUALISE - Ex.3C - Putting It All Together

    6. DYC - Element 3 - VISUALISE - Exercise 3C - Putting It All Together P.1-6

    7. DYC - Element 3 - VISUALISE - Exercise 3C - Putting it all Together p.7

    8. DYC - Element 3 - VISUALISE - Survey

About this course

  • $795.00

Live with Purpose, Discover Your Calling

Bonus #1


  • A LFYS Profile login link unique to you will be sent to your email address within 48 hours of subscribing to this coaching package.

  • Receive a LFYS Profile discount Coupon Code for future profile orders.

  • The 24-page LFYS report delivers an analysis unique to you, not just a personality type. It pinpoints communication preferences, value to the team, areas for growth, ideal work environment, and best fit on a team.

  • The LFYS Profile Course is a perfect complement to the Discover Your Calling Course. The Profile provides practical knowledge and insights about yourself for immediate application, while Coaching helps maximise your potential.

Bonus #2


  • 15% discount off future Coaching Sessions*

  • *Applied to standard base rate

Bonus #3


  • This eBook provides information about finding your purpose –and what you can do about it today!

Bonus #4


  • 25-Steps to a Strong Personal Foundation

  • Zap the Tolerations

  • Goals – Understanding Your Why

Bonus #5


  • 25-Secrets to Having the Life You Want

  • Clean Sweep Program

  • Quality of Life 100

Risk Free Guarantee

When you purchase the online Discover Your Calling Course, you’ll be positioning yourself to transform not only your life but also the lives of those around you. However, we want to make taking this step easy and risk free, so we’re also offering a 30-day money back guarantee* if you’ve completed the online Discover Your Calling Course and found it’s not for you.


* Conditions Apply:  See the Equipe Coaching & Counselling Cancellation & Refund Policy for more details


The sessions I spent with Rick literally changed my life!

Mandy W.

Rick’s gentle approach and his gifting with knowing the right questions to ask helped me to look at my life in a different way and make changes that I never dreamed of. I’m now running a very successful business doing something I love! Thank you, Rick, for being faithful and using the gifts you’ve been given to inspire others and challenge them to grow. I will always be grateful.

Rick's questions helped me pinpoint exactly which direction I needed to go in.

Andrew L.

Rick's insight into my character is a true gift and his encouragement at just the right time meant a lot.

Great thanks to Rick for his great heart for people.

Lee B.

After several session with Rick, and his easy talking and caring way, his great ability and skill to be able to let me discover my own answers and gave me new problem solving actions and skills, I was able to move forward in a more confident, happier, grounded new chapter of my life.

Rick is down-to-earth, refreshing, authentic, and has immense substance to everything he shares.

Jonathan Gullo Lead Pastor, Suncoast Church

I couldn’t think of anyone better to be able to speak into the area of our calling, and to empower people on how to discover it.

I met Rick...and by the time we had finished I knew exactly what I wanted to do, who it was aimed at and when to begin.

Jennifer C.

I had only a nebulous idea of what I wanted. I was amazed at how Rick was able to pull this information and crystallize my ideas in a very short amount of time and it was painless!

Rick is a person of great diligence, insight and compassion.

Lee Sykes. Senior Pastor. Cornerstone Church of Christ, Busselton WA

I had the pleasure of working closely with Rick in a team ministry setting while he was developing in his desire and competency to help people identify purpose. Even in these early stages, Rick was demonstrating a profound effectiveness with those he came alongside.

I have always left with direction and purpose for the next stage.

Pete R.

Whether it is personal, spiritual or a major direction for my businesses. I know Rick listens and cares, to the point where he remembers our last discussions more than I do :-)

Rick helped me recognise that I had a purpose in life, which made me feel value again as a whole person.

Tracy C.

I thought no-one would really understand me and I felt very ashamed and very angry within myself. Rick showed a non-judgemental approach which really helped me feel I could trust him, and his genuine personality really made me feel he really understood me and cared. Rick really listened and validated me, which helped me to really want to reach my own personal goals through my challenges. Rick showed patience and empathy through session by allowing the time in the sessions were for me at my own pace. I really appreciated these sessions I had with Rick, they really helped me understand my personal purpose of who I am in this world and very much loved. Again Rick, thank - you for just being there during our sessions and really listening to my heart.

We have been privileged to be a part of Rick & Chanoa’s life journey for over 20 years and have seen them grow in genuineness and faith as they both continue to positively impact the lives of others.

Bruce and Terri Connell (Pastors, INC Kununurra WA)

Who it’s for

The Discover Your Calling Course is designed to encourage and motivate people who are searching for ‘greater purpose’ to realise, understand and live out the calling upon their life.  The course does contain Christian values and themes, however the core exercises and content can be applied to anyone’s situation regardless of your spiritual beliefs.

We have seen and greatly believe in the benefits this Discover Your Calling Course can make regardless of your stage-in-life and specific situation.

Rick has run this course since 2012 as both an ordained minister and professionally certified coach with results which have been amazing.

Presented via on-demand video means you can set your own pace while Rick takes you step-by-step through multiple self-awareness and others-focussed teachings and exercises which build upon each other to help you discover and define your unique calling statement.

Life Purpose Coach Rick Paget

Rick Paget, founder of Equipe Coaching & Counselling provides specialist courses and 1:1 coaching for those seeking fulfilment in their career, life-direction, or purpose. Rick commenced professional life-coach training and practice in 2008; and helps others find purpose through coaching sessions and online courses and workshops. People who have been feeling trapped, unfulfilled, bored, unhappy or lost, have been inspired by working with Rick. Clients typically gain greater clarity, direction, fulfillment and hope, when they realise they have massive potential to make an impact and change lives. Sometimes you've just got to know how to find it!

Take this step towards self-discovery and change


  • How is the online DYC Course content delivered?

    Coaching has been defined as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential*. By applying a ‘coaching approach’, the online Discover Your Calling Course guides you step-by-step with on demand bight-sized learning modules over 7-Parts and 22-Lessons. Complete at your own pace during times that are convenient to you. All you need is a computer, Wi-Fi, and printer (optional). *

  • What can I expect from a coaching approach?

    Coaching provides a safe place to develop personally or professionally. The most common reasons people hire a professional coach are: + To discover their life purpose and calling + To get ahead professionally + To set better goals + To reach goals faster + To make significant changes + To reduce stress and tolerations + To make a bigger impact on the world + To become more financially successful + To design and live their best life + To make better decisions + To improve relationships and family + To collaborate with someone + To simplify their lives + To strengthen their personal foundations

  • How long does the online DYC Course take to complete?

    The online Discover Your Calling Course is self-paced and consists of five core Elements which include videos and exercises, along with additional bonus resources and content. While it’s possible to finish the DYC Course within a day or two, you’ll gain greater value by dedicating extra time towards deeper application, reflection and thought when completing of each of the self-discovery exercises. Some people find completing one section per week provides them with increased depth of self-understanding for future application.

  • Will I know my purpose once I complete the DYC Course?

    Knowing your immediate purpose and longer-term calling by the end of the course very much depends upon your current level of clarity. Each person will experience different timeframes based upon factors such as current awareness, time, resources, skills, opportunities, what you already have in place, plus your inner drive to achieve the desired goals.

  • What happens after I complete the DYC Course?

    Upon completion of the Discover Your Calling Course, participants will have been guided via a coaching approach to identify a specific area of focus and desired outcomes. The course is designed to draw-out each student’s unique opportunities for life change and direction. Some participants choose optional personal coaching sessions to gain even greater clarity around their findings.

  • What is the difference between Purpose & Calling?

    At Equipe Coaching & Counselling, we refer to ‘purpose’ as the direction of life-stages which are more immediate and short-to mid-term in focus. On the other hand, we consider ‘calling’ to be the overarching endpoint which a person's life, primary long-term focus, and core activities are moving towards.

  • How heavy is the Christian content within the DYC Course?

    The Discover Your Calling Course is designed to encourage and motivate anyone who is searching for ‘greater purpose’ to realise, understand, and live out the calling upon their life. The course does contain Christian values and themes; however, the core exercises and content can be applied to anyone’s situation regardless of your spiritual beliefs.

  • Why do people hire an ICF credentialed coach?

    Anyone can call themselves a coach. But ICF-credentialed coaches are professionals who have met stringent education and experience requirements, and have demonstrated a thorough understanding of the coaching competencies that set the standard in the profession. Additionally, they adhere to strict ethical guidelines as part of ICF’s mission to protect and serve coaching consumers.

  • How is coaching different to other service professions?

    + COUNSELLORS or THERAPISTS generally deal with healing pain or conflict from the past, whereas COACHING is forward moving and future focused with a view to create actionable strategies. + CONSULTANTS generally diagnose problems and recommend implementation of solutions; while a COACH helps people generate their own solutions through discovery-based approaches and support. + MENTORS typically guide or share from their own experience and show others how to complete or achieve things; while COACHES help people generate their own solutions and strategies. + TRAINERS or SPORTS COACHES move individuals or teams towards set objectives or outcomes. + A PROFESSIONAL COACH guides individuals or teams to set the objectives or outcomes. A LIFE COACH partners with you to identify & leverage your gifts, overcome internal limitations, and take action.

Discover Your Calling

Find fulfillment through making a difference in your own life, and in the lives of those around you.